turkish law arşivleri » Ongur Partners


Introduction litigation Turkey is one of the increasingly important destinations for commerce, travel as well as investment with significant opportunities. Since Turkey is an important commercial hub as such, the possibility of disputes over which Turkish courts are competent to resolve are quite high under the conflicts of law rules. The main code that regulates lawsuits involving foreigners and foreign elements in Turkey is the International Private and Civil Procedure Law.  In addition, depending on the individual case, other...

Yabancı Tüzel Kişilerin Türkiye’de Şirket Kurması

4875 SAYILI KANUN KAPSAMINDA YABANCI TÜZEL KİŞİLERİN TÜRKİYE’DEKİ FAALİYETLERİ 2003 yılında yürürlüğe giren ve 4875 sayılı Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Kanunu (R.G.: 17.06.2003/25141), 6224 sayılı Yabancı Sermayeyi Teşvik Kanunu’nu (R.G.: 18.01.1954/6224 ) yürürlükten kaldırarak Türkiye’ye yapılacak doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar için öngörülen ön izin alma ve yabancı ortak başına en az 50.000 ABD Doları tutarında yabancı sermayeyi Türkiye’ye getirme zorunluluklarını ortadan kaldırmış, bunun yerine bir bilgilendirme sistemi getirmiştir....


Att. Gökberk TEKİN   Introduction Arbitration is often perceived as a process by which the parties seek monetary damages.[1] However, the number and variety of the remedies available for the parties in international arbitration are very broad, indeed.[2] In this context, in addition to the monetary compensation, an arbitral award may (and often does) also include “punitive damages and other penalties, specific performance and restitution, injunctions, declaratory relief, rectification, filling gaps and adaptation of contracts”[3]...

Tahkim Anlaşmalarında Türkçe Kullanımı Zorunluluğu

Tahkim Anlaşmalarında Türkçe Kullanımı Zorunluluğu   10 Nisan 1926 tarih ve 805 sayılı İktisadi Müesseselerde Mecburi Türkçe Kullanılması Hakkında Kanun, Türk şirketlerinin kendi aralarındaki ve belirli durumlarda yabancı şirketlerle yaptıkları sözleşmelerde Türkçe kullanımını zorunlu tutmaktadır. Bu durum günümüzde giderek tercih edilme oranı yükselen tahkim anlaşmalarında Türkçe’nin bir geçerlilik şartına dönüşmesine sebep olmakta ve doktrinde tartışılmaktadır. İstanbul Bölge Adliye Mahkemesi’nin Şubat 2020’de verdiği...

Virtual Hearings

ONLINE ARBITRATION HEARINGS Law, as well as all other disciplines, could not stay immune from adopting itself to the world-wide technological evolution and digital transformation. Global effects of the Covid-19 pandemic fostered this adaptation by moving legal processes into online platforms. Arbitration is one of these legal processes that is affected from the Covid-19 pandemic and adopted itself into technological developments. Below is an overview of arbitration hearings and how they are conducted online in today’s world....

Arbitration and Turkish Law

Arbitration and Turkish Law

Arbitration and Turkish Law   Introduction Arbitration is a private dispute resolution mechanism by an independent and impartial arbitrator based on the parties’ consent and backed by an international system of enforcement supported by States. International arbitration has become the principal method of resolving disputes between states, individuals, and corporations in almost every aspect of international trade, commerce, and investment. With its widespread importance in the present world where commercial life demands a quick and...

Arbitration Clauses in Turkish Law

Arbitration Clauses in Turkish Law

Arbitration Clauses in Turkish Law According to Turkish law, the arbitration clause has a very important role during the interpretation and/or implementation of any contract in Turkey. Considering the fact that arbitration is a very popular dispute resolution mechanism in Turkey the parties of any international or local contract should pay attention in terms of the drafting of an appropriate arbitration clause in their contracts in Turkey. Especially foreign parties of a contract should receive advice from a well-known arbitration...