Arzu Ongur arşivleri » Ongur Partners


Giriş Şirketler hukukunda esas olan şirketlerin hem ortaklarından hem de diğer şirketlerden bağımsızlığıdır. Bununla birlikte, gelişen ekonomiler ve piyasa şartları neticesinde; şirketlerin birçok durumda ekonomik faaliyetlerini “hakim” ve “bağlı” şirketlerden müteşekkil “şirketler grubu” olarak sürdürmesi olağan hale gelmiştir. Esasen “şirketlerin bağımsızlığı” ilkesi ile bağdaşmayan bu durum bir takım hukuki problemleri de birlikte getirmiş, mevcut hukuki çerçeve özellikle hakim şirketlerin sorumluluğu hususundaki ihtiyaca cevap...


The Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Turkey

THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN TURKEY  Attorney Arzu Ongur - Attorney Selva Korkmazcan Işık*   OVERVIEW Since the detection of the first case in Turkey on March 10, the coronavirus pandemic had a profound effect on social, financial, business, and legal life, similar to the rest of the world. According to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Health, as of June 21, 2020, 187.685 cases have been confirmed in Turkey while 4,950 deaths are reported. The measures adopted by the government throughout the pandemic have been...

inauguration of the Certificate Program

Inauguration of the Certificate Program

Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Turkey H. E. Massimo Gaiani has given a reception for the inauguration of the Certificate Program organized by ILIDA on 29 March 2018 in the Italian Embassy. Along with Ambassador H. E. Massimo Gaiani and President of ILIDA Attorney Arzu Ongur, CAM Case Manager Marina Nitrola and Av. Roberto Pirozzi has also participated in the reception. During their speeches H.E.Massimo Gaiani and Attorney Arzu Ongur has emphasized the importance of cooperation between two countries and the Milan Chamber of...