Litigations & Arbitration & Legal Consultation Services In Turkey


Whenever a foreign party needs to file a lawsuit in Turkey, or is involved in a litigation process in Turkey, expert legal advice and representation by competent Turkish attorneys are of utmost importance to obtain a successful result. At ONGUR&PARTNERS International Law Office, we diligently advise our international clients on the best legal strategy based on their positions and implement the most efficient solutions in line with international standards. Thanks to our attorneys’ broad experience in representing many national and international clients during various types of disputes, we are equipped with a wide expertise and practical insight during the litigation and arbitration procedures both in Turkey and overseas.


Our law office has been representing many Turkish and international clients before the high courts, such as the Supreme Court of Turkey,  the State Council of Turkey, national courts of first instance and administrative courts, and leading international arbitration institutions.


We represent our clients in all provinces of Turkey, especially in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir together with lawyers based in major cities in Turkey, Europe and the USAwith whom we cooperate. We also collaborate with international of-counsels in international arbitration or cross-border litigation cases involving the application of the law of a foreign jurisdiction.

LIGITATION and arbitration

Related Legislation

1136 Attorneyship Law

Law number 1136 – Passed 19 March 1969 – Published 7 April 1969 in Official Gazette issue 13168 – Volume 5, number 8, page 1694 – PART ONE – Attorneyship And The Attorney – Nature of attorneyshipRead More »

2575 Nr. Code Law On Council Of State

The Council of State is the Supreme Administrative Court established by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, responsible also for consultation and scrutiny. The Members of the Council of State are the …Read More »

2577 Nr. Code Administrative Law

Resolution of the disputes falling within the jurisdiction of the Council of State, regional administrative courts, administrative courts and tax courts shall be subject to the procedure prescribed in the present Act.Read More »

Association Law

The aim of this Law is to lay down the principles in respect of associations established by seven persons or more who combine their knowledge and efforts in order to pursue a particular and joint aim not…Read More »

Law For Foundation

Administrative Organs And Control Authorities – ARTICLE 1-The following foundations established before 4 October 1926 are administered by the General Directorate of Foundations: A- The foundations that …Read More »

The Constitution Of Turkish Republic

In line with the concept of nationalism and the reforms and principles introduced by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the immortal leader and the unrivalled hero, this Constitution, which…Read More »

Turkish Mining Law

This Law establishes the principles and procedures with regard to exploring, operating, enjoying rightful ownership and renunciation of mines. All kinds of substances, except for petroleum, natural gas…Read More »